Sunday, March 22, 2020

Corona / Covid 19 / Covid notices and instructions in the presence of health professionals

"Corona" It is a type of virus that spreads in animals and humans.The disease is known as Covid 19. Corona is a Latin word meaning crown. Like a crown when looking through the microscope. Beginning with the Wuhan in China. Corona viridae is the family name of the corona proposed by the international committee on taxonomy of viruses Within four months, it has spread to all continents except Antarctica.

The Impact of the Corona

coronavirus Italy
Corona Virus
The number of people diagnosed with the disease is 229950 .That death is 9386. Critically ill 6942 confirmed. This is the month of March. Change is coming every day. Covid has been declared the World Health Organization epidemic in 121 countries. 

 The contagion of the Corona

coronavirus spread
spread from humans to humans
If the virus is infected, the disease will start within 2-10 days. The virus can be transmitted from him before he is diagnosed. The virus does not remain in the atmosphere for long.  The virus can only be transmitted from body secretions to the body within seconds.  The disease was originally transmitted from animals. The virus has now spread from humans to humans.  So crowds and crowds should be avoided.Viruses released through coughing and sneezing can stay in the air for up to an hour and a half. The heavier particles drop quickly, and the heavier ones stay in the air.

 Corona's Longevity

Use Sanitizer
Corona can live in plastic for up to 3 days, up to 4 hours in copper, up to 3 days in steel and up to 24 hours in cardboard. No medicine has been scientifically found to be effective in Ayurveda or homeopathy.  

 The future of Corona

covid 19 latest news
corona category do not survive high temperatures
Now, let's see what Dr William Hall, chief consultant and international virologist at the Institute of Advanced Virology and Trivandrum, director of the Center for Research in Infectious Diseases in Ireland, one of the founders of the Global Virus Network :-  "One can carry the virus to four people. The disease can last up to a year. If China opens its closed cities, a second boom can be expected. Started in China in 2002, the SARS ended after one stage. Some viruses in the corona category do not survive high temperatures. But the type of virus that has just been discovered remains diagnosed. Old aged people are more at risk of being infected with various diseases such as heart disease and hypertension . It takes at least a year and a half for any virus to reach the human body. The vaccine will be taken before the drug. Often, when the drug is detected, the virus infection has come to an end."

 Corona's Impact on the Economy

covid 19 medicine
excessive samples can be ruined with hypo chloride
For each sample, the government costs Rs 3000. There are other costs involved in transporting samples to the lab.  Inspection is free throughout the country.They collect the sap from the nose and throat. The triple layer will be packed if sent to the nearest lab. If it go to the Institute of Virology, Pune, the samples will be placed in a dry ice packed thermocol box. When they arrive at the Virology Lab, they are transferred to the freezer. If it keep it for longer, transfer it to a deep freezer that is minus 80 degrees. If the e-gene could not be detected from the samples it would confirm that there was no Covid. If e-gene is detected, the disease is confirmed. Prevention of infection from excessive samples can be ruined with hypo chloride. The patient's sample will be re-examined after 48 hours. Both times the hospital stays until the test results are negative. 

Defensive Measures against Corona

coronavirus in kerala
used Mask dispose in the closed Dustbin
For colds and colds, one-time use of tissue paper or cloth is best. After touching the pillow or handkerchief, touching it with your hand or pocket can cause infection. Sneezing and carrying with mask or wrist part. Wash your hands with soap or disinfectant if using. used Mask dispose in the closed Dustbin. Disinfectant in it. Try to bury or burn it. It is best to use the mask once. When the mask is off, only touch its vines. Touching the mask, if there are any viruses, will spread to your hand. 

 The relevance of the Mask

coronavirus made of
The mask is a must-wear
The mask is a must-wear when going to hospitals, medical shops or clinics. People with colds should wear the mask wherever they are Avoid spitting on road and public areas, neglecting food and packet waste and waste disposal in public places. Keep it in a disinfectant bag on trips. Wash your hands frequently with disinfectant. You can use a cloth or handkerchief instead of a mask. Wash well with soap and dry only after use. You can use a sanitizer or hand wash to clean your hands. Sanitizer is also used to reduce water usage. People who are not sick do not need to wear a mask. People with suspected infections should use a napkin instead of a mask. If the mask is not used, the same mask can enter the body. 

Use this step to wash hands

Coronavirus tips
use a sanitizer or hand wash to clean your hands

 The relevance of self - monitoring

what is coronavirus stage 3
People with the disease should wear a mask
Visitors from Covid confirmed countries such as China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Nepal, Indonesia, Malaysia, Italy and Iran, will be on house surveillance for 10 days and 28 days. Do not visit public places. Avoid contact with other family members and stay in the ventilated room. Do not share used utensils and bed sheets with others. If you have any fever, cough or shortness of breath you should inform the hospital and get in a special vehicle. People with the disease should wear a mask so that others do not get infected and no more viruses enter. If the patient's secretions are mixed with the contaminated water, it may be transmitted to our body immediately.

 The Importants of Food

covid 19 medicine
Covid requires drinks and foods that contain vitamin C
Like any other fever, Covid requires drinks and foods that contain vitamin C. Avoid food that is difficult to digest. Suspects of the disease should not go to the hospital directly. Notify the District Level Offices of the Health Department. From there the directive will be issued. There is little chance of getting sick in the incubation period. If the test is negative at this time, the isolation instructions must be followed. The first test can be negative, but the result can be positive at any time in the Isolation Period.


corona theatre
who enter Quarantine are not sick

Quarantine is a public health practice that specializes in keeping people in contact with the infected or in similar situations from interacting with others to prevent the spread of the disease. Those who enter Quarantine are not sick. Maybe they are in the incubation period of a specific disease. If so, people who interact with them during this period are more likely to get infected. It is prevented by Quarantine The short duration of each disease is different. Covid's Quarantine period is 14 days. There is no scientific information available on whether those who were once sick had a chance of recurrence. Take precautions, as it is likely.

For informations :-

For information about Covid please contact this number 


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