Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Fighter Fish Life cycle II How to Care Fighter Fish II Fighter Fish Breed

Fighter is a very nice fish to watch even though he is a robber. Fighter / Betta fish, is a popular fish in the aquarium trade. Betta fish, also called Siamese or Japanese fighting fish, are beautiful to look at, fun to watch, and don’t require much space at all.
Fighter Fish 

There are various types of fighter / Betta fish with fascinating colors. But if common talk a little space is enough, putting it in to a wide space will be good for to grow.water filtration is essential. Male fish can not be put together because they are attack to each other. The females are live together.These are capable for jumping high. The beauty of the male fish is more pleasing to the females. it has long been up to five years, and can grow up to five inches.
Siamese Fighting Fish

Siamese Fighting Fish

How to select Energetic and Healthy Fish
If the fish responding to views and sounds,to know that it's a active fish, for example if you put your finger, pen or other material on it's face to face, will respond in anger with spread out the wings and gills.It's a hard fish so that long life.If it has any illness, it will be partially torn and worn. If the body has white dots (Fin rot) or wings broke or broken, it will also be sick.

Red and Silver Fighting Fish
Red and Silver Fighting Fish
Better food for Fighter / Betta Fish

  • Chicken Liver
  • Beef Liver
  • Egg Yolk 
Take boiled egg yolk then dilute with water and give to fighter chicks as drops 
Mosquito Larva
  • Moina
  • Micro worm

Full Moon Betta Fish
Full Moon Betta Fish

How to make Micro worm Culture for Fighter Chicks

How to Breed Fighter / Betta fish 

Breeding pair should have energetic and healthy. Don't select woolen or broken wings females, it will be breed done once, so next breeding may take about one month. The male fish that is matured will make bubbles net. put the male and female fish with a face to face for one week in a bowl or aquarium.

Siamese Fighting Fish
Siamese Fighting Fish
Give a protein meal one week. When breeding is time, male fish will make bubble net. Now put them together.
Siamese Fighting Fish
Siamese Fighting Fish

Watch Fighter / Betta Fish Breed Live VDO

When female fish produce eggs, male fish will be kept it inside the bubble net. After breeding , male fish begin to attack the female, now remove female fish. Within four or five days , the fighter chicks will spread. Almond leaf putting it in the water is increased the ability to survive and increase the immunity power. Within three or four days fighter chicks will be begin to swim, now it's the time to remove male fish. Live food can be given after one week of fighter chicks.

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