Tuesday, June 29, 2021

How to Cut Own Hair at Home | How to Cut your own Hair Bangs | Bangs Cut at Home | Bangs Haircut


Having your hair style essentially once like clockwork – will assist with making space to advance solid development for your dazzling hair locks! 
With a decent hair style, you will clearly feel much better, fresher, cleaner and sure. 

How to Cut Own Hair at Home

Your dazzling hair locks

What's more, when you feel sure, you stroll with your shoulders high! Getting hair styles all the more as often as possible will assist with limiting the harm done by split closures. 
Hair styles or even trim at each six to about two months can further develop the hair surface and leaves space for sound hair to develop. 
Getting a hair style regularly assists with disposing of bunched up hair and split finishes. 
What's more, thus, disposing of the split closures will cause a decrease in hair breakage. the odds of dandruff development on your scalp are normally high when you have long hair.
They stow away in long hair, and disposing of them appears to be hard. 
Getting successive trims and hair styles is the best arrangement in the event that you need to remain liberated from dandruff. 

How to Cut Own Hair at Home

Trimming your own hair can

 save you a great deal of cash

One of the advantages of trimming your own hair is having the opportunity to yourself. 
This is one of the more clear ones. It's a given, trimming your own hair can save you a great deal of cash. 
Another advantage of trimming your own hair is the capacity to save more time.Let's investigate. 
Calculating in the transportation time to a hairstyling parlor or boutique, sitting tight for your turn, and the time it takes for the genuine hair style itself, it very well may be two hours. 
To be moderate, suppose everything requires approximately an hour a half to get your hair expertly trim. 
Organizations like hairstyling parlors and boutiques are gradually opening up once more. Be that as it may, during the lock down, a few group had a sample of what it resembles to trim their own hair. Solid hair is simpler to oversee and that is true! The time that you right now spend styling your hair will be sliced with ordinary trims, leaving additional time on prepping that facial hair. 

How to Cut Own Hair at Home

Keep your hair perfect

The one extra that you can't change each day is your hair, assuming it sometimes falls short for your face shape, you most likely will not feel as certain as you ought to. 
Keep your hair perfect, dietary and brimming with normal oils with the utilization excellent shampoos, conditioners and medicines. 
In the event that you need to keep that new barbershop look, ensure that you are utilizing sulfate and paraben free items as they will not dry your hair out.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Hair Problem Solution Tips | Natural Remedies for Hair Fall Problem | HairCare Natural HomeRemedies

Here are some Natural Remedies that can completely cure all Hair related problems like Hair Fall, Hair Loss, Brocken Hair, etc


Hair loss is a problem that affecting more women, men and even children. Hair Loss can have many causes; it includes Scalp Infections, Stress, Thyroid Problems and Aging Changes. In addition to all this, Tradition is seen as an important factor.

Hair Loss, Premature Graying and Loss of Natural Hair color are now common to all ages. Hormonal Disorders, Mentally Stress, Dehydration, Use of unsafe Hair Care Products all are causes of hair problems.

They affect the body and Confidence, starting with the skull. There are people who try many Medicines. There are those who lose money without getting any change and neglect Hair Care. Many of us hide this Hair style, Make Up, Cap and Scarp.

Now let’s take a look at some perfectly Natural Remedies to get rid of all this Hair related problems.


Natural Remedies for Hair Fall, Hair Loss, Brocken Hair, Dandruff and all Hair Problems


  • Make it a habit to wash your head with Lemon Juice and water. This pack is very helpful to reduce hair loss. It helps to Hair Growth and Removes Dandruff.
  •  Wash and clean the Sesame Seeds add roasted Chukka Powder and Jaggery (10 g) twice a day and your Hair will Grow back.
  •  Take Coconut Oil and the same amount of Olive Oil, heat it slightly and massage it well. Massage for 4-6 minutes and then rinse off after 20 minutes. This helps to prevent Hair Loss.
  •  Take 100gm of dried and powdered Pumpkin Seeds. Take 100gm of dried Gooseberry. Take 200 Ml Ltrs of Mustard Oil. Put pumpkin seeds and gooseberries in mustard oil and heat on low flame. Use it daily for hot oil massage. Helps to prevent Hair Loss and Hair Growth.
  •  Apply Fenugreek paste and a little Coconut Milk on the scalp to reduce Hair Loss.
  •  Add a cup of Aloe vera Gel with Coconut Oil or Castor Oil and apply on scalp and hair. Helps to prevent Hair Loss and Hair Growth.
  •  Make a paste of Coriander Leaves and apply it on the scalp. Doing this twice a week will prevent Hair Loss.
  • Gooseberry can be cut into small pieces and applied on the scalp to prevent Hair Loss and helps to Hair Growth.
  • Put half of a glass of dried Gooseberry peel, pour the juice on top and soak for two hours. Apply it on the scalp and hair and leave it for an hour and a half. If there is Dandruff, it will go away. 
  •   Crush the Thulsi Leaves, Betel Leaves, Thetti flower, and heat in pure Coconut Oil.  Massage with hot oil daily. Helps to prevent Hair Loss and Hair Growth
  • Apply a mixture of Yoghurt and Fenugreek on the scalp and rinse off after 20 minutes. This is one of the benefits of reducing Hair Loss. 
  •   Heat Hibiscus Flower and Henna in pure Coconut Oil. Massage with hot oil daily. Helps to prevent Hair Loss and Hair Growth
  • Mix Gooseberry, Fenugreek and Coconut Milk and apply the mixture on the scalp and hair. This will help prevent Hair Loss. 
  • Applying Lemon Juice on the hair will prevent Split Ends.
  • Dried Ginger can be boiled in Oil, drained, applied on the scalp and rinsed off after 20 minutes. This will prevent Hair Loss.
  • Take two or three Onions and cut in to small pieces. Beat in the mix and squeeze the juice. Apply this juice on the scalp and hair and rinse off with cold water after half an hour. This will prevent Hair Loss.
  • Mix Gooseberry powder with dried gooseberry powder and mix it with heated Coconut oil and apply this mixture on the scalp and massage for 5 minutes. Can be washed off after 20 minutes. It is a single root that prevents Hair Loss and gives good health and Shine to the Hair.
  • Apply Garlic juice on the scalp before going to bed and massage it on the scalp. This can be washed off in the morning. It helps to increase Hair Growth.
  • Washing the hair with boiled water with Arya Neem gives strength to the hair and also prevents Hair Loss.
  • Aloe vera gel can be massaged on the scalp for 5 to 10 minutes and then rinsed off after one hour to reduce Dandruff and promote Hair Growth.
  • Apply a mixture of Castor Oil and Almond Oil on the scalp, massage and rinse off after one hour. It helps in maintaining healthy hair and preventing Hair Loss.
  • A mixture of Lemon juice and Gooseberry can be applied on the scalp 3 times a week to prevent Hair Loss.


These Remedies are completely Natural. There are no side effects from these. Therefore, it can be used completely safely. Nature itself has prepared these medicines for us to protect our Health.